The vast majority of thyroid hormone deficiency is managed with a simple (but monitored) daily intake of exogenous L-thyroxine (“thyroxine” or “T4”), first discovered in its pure porcine extract form at the Mayo Clinic in 1914 and later successfully...
Travel Vaccination

Travel Vaccination

This blog provides some insight and guidance into the main travel vaccines and conditions they are necessary to prevent via active (vaccination) immunity via a review of the available literature. Hepatitis A This is a type of viral liver...
Superfoods: What’s a superfood?!

Superfoods: What’s a superfood?!

According to various scientific information sources, a superfood is an unscientific term used in various contexts used to describe food with high nutrient, vitamin or phytochemical content that may confer health benefits, with few properties considered to be negative....

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